Stress concentration in a finite functionally graded material plate

来源 :Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wynfloodforce
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This paper is to study the two-dimensional stress distribution of a finite functionally graded material (FGM) plate with a circular hole under arbitrary constant loads. Using the method of piece-wise homogeneous layers, the stress analysis of the finite FGM plate having radial arbitrary elastic properties is made based on the complex variable method combined with the least square boundary collocation technique. Numerical results of stress distribution around the hole are then presented for different loading conditions, different material properties and different plate sizes, respectively. It is shown that the stress concentration in the finite plate is generally enhanced compared with the case of an infinite plate, but it can be significantly reduced by choosing proper change ways of the radial elastic modulus. This paper is to study the two-dimensional stress distribution of a finite functionally graded material (FGM) plate with a circular-hole under arbitrary constant loads. arbitrary elastic properties is made based on the complex variable method combined with the least square boundary collocation technique. the stress concentration in the finite plate is generally enhanced compared with the case of an infinite plate, but it can be significantly reduced by choosing proper change ways of the radial elastic modulus.
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