This review focuses on the selection of bioceramics used in the repair of periodontal bone defects, animal experiments and clinical studies, and the bioceramic properties involved. First, the problem proposed Repair of periodontal bone defects caused by the treatment of periodontal disease has been a thorny issue. Bone autologous or allogeneic bone graft induced bone formation to repair bone defects, is clinically used to have a certain effect of one of the methods. However, with autologous bone grafts, limited intraoral osseointegration, to obtain adequate autologous bone, often require surgery from other parts of the bone. This not only increases patient suffering but also is not easily accepted by the patient. Root resorption and adhesions may occur after surgery. Allogeneic bone graft to overcome the shortcomings of autologous bone graft, but allogenic bone antigenicity, to be treated before use, the need to store a certain section