《阳光小巷》是以人民的好警察,群众的贴心人邱娥国为生活原型而创作的。 影片没有刀光剑影的渲染,更没有炮火硝烟的烘托,有的只是简陋的小巷,低矮的庭院,普通的百姓;有的只是离我们太近太近的喜怒哀乐、爱憎悲戚与甜酸苦辣所交织的灵魂的碰撞。因此,在人物形象塑造上,不尚奢华,力求朴实构成了本片的一大特色。 在情节安排上,该片没有落入悬念迭起的陈腐窠臼,而是崇尚一种水到渠成,瓜熟蒂落的自然美。编导是在以一颗平常心,以一种平静的心态,用多个平凡故事的衔接,来构造情节,信息量大,却让人觉得是娓娓道来,对观众形成较强的情感穿透力,从而感受到人物的
“Sunny alley” is based on the people’s good police, the masses of people Qiu Eguo for the prototype of life and creation. There is no film and television filming the shadow of the sword, but there is no smoke from the contrast, and some are simple alley, low courtyard, ordinary people; some just too close to us, emotions, love and hatred and sweet and sour Crashing intertwined soul of the collision. Therefore, the characters in the image, not luxury, and strive to form a simple feature of the film. In the plot, the film did not fall into the mist of suspense one after another, but advocating a natural course, ripening natural beauty. Director is in a sense of peace, in a calm state of mind, with the convergence of many ordinary stories, to build the plot, the amount of information, but it makes people feel right, the audience to form a strong emotional wear Through, so as to feel the characters