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今年10月1日,由八届全国人大第五次会议通过的经过修订的《中华人民共和国刑法》开始正式实施。对照从1980年开始实行的原刑法,新刑法从原来的192条增加到452条,将许多过去单列的法规纳入,克服了原刑法条文零散、不统一、对许多新形势下发生的犯罪行为无法涵盖的缺陷,从而形成一部较科学、较系统、较完善的刑法典。 修订过的刑法充分体现了社会主义民主与法制原则,其最突出的特点是规定了罪行法定原则、法律面前人人平等原则、罪刑相当原则。所谓罪刑法定原则,就 On October 1 this year, the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China, passed the Fifth Session of the Eighth NPC, was officially put into effect. Compared with the original criminal law which was put into effect from 1980, the new criminal law has been increased from 192 to 452. The new criminal law has incorporated many past single laws and regulations and has overcome the fragmentary and inconsistent provisions of the original criminal law. It can not do many crimes in the new situation Covered defects, thus forming a more scientific, more systematic and more comprehensive criminal code. The revised criminal law fully embodies the principles of socialist democracy and the rule of law. The most prominent feature of the revised criminal law is that it stipulates the principle of legality of crimes, the principle of equality before the law, and the principle of crime and punishment. The so-called principle of legality of crime, on
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