Swimming, the ear water, generally refers to the water into the external auditory meatus, or when the swimmer has tympanic membrane perforation, the water through the external auditory canal into the tympanic cavity, and may therefore lead to the recurrence of otitis media. However, many people in the ear caused by hair stuffy, poor hearing, but since the voice enhancement, check the external auditory canal and no water exists. This type of situation, may be swimming choked water, causing the eustachian orifice opening, water from the mouth into the tympanic cavity of the ear, if not drained out, it may be the occurrence of otitis media, or even legacy of life-long hearing impairment. This issue is not clear to all, not only to non-medical staff but also to medical staff. I also participated in swimming and health care work and choked water when swimming, causing tympanic inflatable, it attracted attention. In order to promptly rule out such damage may be caused when swimming, to protect the health of swimmers, especially on swimming caused