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一提到作文,很多学生就会皱起眉头,写什么、怎样写,他们感到茫然,无从下笔,乃至从心里恐惧作文。如何引导学生轻松作文,是每位语文教师最为关注的问题。但作文不是一朝一夕就能完成的,需要教师在平时教学中多方面地引导,激发学生产生写作的兴趣。下面浅谈自己的几点做法。一、引导实践,积累写作材料喜欢游戏是孩子的天性。他们活泼好动,乐于表现,善于模仿,大胆想象,喜欢各种活动。因此,可以让学生尽情地玩,自由地写,这样会给学生平添许多写作趣味。教师可以利用作文课组织学生开展一系列有趣的活动。如,课堂上老师一般先告诉学生游戏的规 When it comes to composition, many students will frown, write and write. They feel dazed, unable to write down, and even fear writing from the heart. How to guide students to write essay is the most concern of every Chinese teacher. However, the essay can not be completed overnight, requiring teachers to guide in various aspects during normal teaching and stimulate students’ interest in writing. Here are some of my own practice. First, guide the practice, the accumulation of writing materials Like the game is the nature of children. They lively, happy performance, good at imitation, bold imagination, like a variety of activities. Therefore, students can enjoy playing and writing freely, which will add a lot of writing interest to students. Teachers can use writing lessons to organize students for a series of fun activities. For example, the teacher in class generally tells the rules of the student game first