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中国民间文化艺术之乡太和县,座落在黄淮腹地,沙颖河畔。自秦朝在境内建县,迄今已有2000多年。悠久的历史,孕育了丰富多彩的民间文化艺术。勤劳的太和人民为了表达对生活的热爱,抒发男女之间的情感,产生了有感而发口口相传的民间歌曲。太和民歌通俗流畅,形式多样,内容丰富,感情朴实,具有浓厚的乡土气息与鲜明的地方文化特色,它是太和人民群众文化生活与现实环境的真实写照。如解放前有首童养媳血泪诉苦的 Taihe County, a hometown of Chinese folk culture and the arts, is located in the hinterland of Huanghuai and at the bank of Shaying River. Since the Qin Dynasty built the territory in the territory, so far, more than 2000 years. A long history, gave birth to a variety of folk arts and culture. In order to express their love for life, industrious Taihe people express emotion between men and women and have produced folk songs that have a sense of origin and spread from mouth to mouth. Taihe folk songs are popular and smooth, diverse in form, rich in content, simple in nature, strong in native flavor and distinctly local and cultural features. It is a true portrayal of the cultural life and realistic environment of Taihe people. Such as the liberation of the first child-daughter-in-law blood and tears complained of
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