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在种粮补贴政策连续实施12年期间,无论是社会经济结构、农业生产经济组织形态、还是农业现代化发展程度、城镇化发展进度、农民就业渠道拓展、就业观念的改变、收入水平、农村劳动力转移、物价指数等相关要素都发生了巨大的变化,由此引发种粮补贴政策的激励效应也越来越弱化,甚至局部阻碍了土地集约化经营等技术经济进步客观要求。生产力的发展必须要与相应的生产关系相适应,因此当前调整改革种粮补贴政策,建立国家粮食安全长效机制,已经到了从发展战略高度重新谋篇布局的紧迫时期。安徽省农村财政研究会调研组一行,于10月中下旬前往安徽省宿州市埇桥区、淮南市凤台县以及阜阳市召集具有一定代表性的11家种粮大户和家庭农场主及部分县乡农财干部分别进行了面对面的调研座谈,为构建新常态下种粮补贴制度探索一条创新之路。 During the 12-year implementation of grain subsidy policy, whether it is the social and economic structure, the form of agricultural production and economic organization, the degree of agricultural modernization, the progress of urbanization, the expansion of employment channels for peasants, the change of employment concept, the income level and the transfer of rural labor force , The price index and other related factors have undergone tremendous changes. As a result, the incentive effect of grain subsidy policy has also been weakened, and some objective requirements of technical and economic progress such as intensive land management have been hindered. The development of the productive forces must be compatible with the corresponding relations of production. Therefore, the current policy of adjusting the grain subsidy for reform and establishing the long-term national mechanism for food security has come to an urgent period of re-planning the development from a strategic height. Anhui Province Rural Finance Research Group and his entourage went to Baqiao District, Suzhou City, Anhui Province, Fengtai County, Huainan City and Fuyang City to convene 11 representative grain farmers and family farmers and some counties Township agricultural cadres conducted a face-to-face study of informal discussion, to build a new normal system of grain subsidies to explore an innovative path.
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