A Comparative Study of Pollutant Removal Stability in Hybrid Wetland Columns

来源 :湿地科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gba2008
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This study investigated the effects of two alternative substrates (wood mulch and zeolite) on the performance of three laboratory-scale hybrid wetland systems that had identical system components and configurations.Each system consisted of a vertical flow (VF) wetland column,followed by a horizontal flow (HF) column and a vertical flow column.The substrates employed were wood mulch,gravel and zeolite,and Phragmites australis were planted in each column.The systems received synthetic wastewater,with pollutant loadings in the range of 8.5-38.0g/(m2· d) total nitrogen (TN) and 4.0-46.4 g/(m2· d) biological oxygen demand (BOD5).Wood mulch and zeolite substrates showed higher efficiencies in terms of removing nitrogenous compounds and biodegradable organics.The supply of organic carbon from the organic mulch substrates enhanced denitrification,while adsorption of influent ammoniacal nitrogen (NH4—N) in zeolite played a major role in the removal of nitrogenous species in the wetland columns.Overall,the average percentage removals of TN and BOD5 reached>66% and >96% respectively,indicating stable performances by the hybrid wetland systems under the experimental loading ranges.Mathematical models were developed,based on the combination of Monod kinetics and continuously-stirred tank reactor (CSTR) flow patterns to describe the degradation of nitrogenous compounds.Predictions by the models closely matched the experimental data,indicating the validity and potential application of Monod kinetics in the modelling and design of treatment wetlands.
目的: 对多重聚合酶链反应(PCR)优化改良,检测Y染色体无精子因子(AZF)区域微缺失.方法: 实验组选择160例精子发生障碍患者,对照组90例为合格捐精者.按照欧洲男科协会和欧洲分
从培养基、碳源、温度、pH值4个方面对菊花、月季、香石竹联合固氮细菌固氮酶活性的影响进行了研究,以求找到三者根际联合固氮菌适合的环境条件。 The effects of nitrogen,
研究苏区反腐倡廉工作,不仅有助于总结党的优良工作经验,传承和发扬党的优良工作作风,对于当前的反腐倡廉工作的也有深刻的经验与启示。 Studying the work of combating co