Selectivity of Three Miticides to Spider Mite Predator,Phytoseius plumifer(Acari:Phytoseiidae) Under

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong502
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The predatory mite, Phytoseius plumifer (Canestrini & Fanzago), is one of the most abundant natural enemies and efficient predator of phytophagous mites in Iran. The miticides hexythiazox (Nisorun?, EC 10%), fenpyroximate (Ortus?, SC 5%), and abamectin (Vertimec?, EC 1.8%) were tested in the laboratory for their side effects on P. plumifer. The miticides were applied at the highest field recommended concentration (N) to detached leaves using a Potter Tower to deposit 2 mg spray solution per cm2. Percent predator mortality was evaluated from the protonymph up to the adult stage including the first five days of the oviposition period. Analysis of data showed that the total effect values of hexythiazox were below the lower threshold, and thus it could be considered to be a harmless miticide to P. plumifer. In contrast, the total effects of fenpyroximate and abamectin were found harmful to the predatory mite at the highest field recommended concentrations. The predatory mite, Phytoseius plumifer (Canestrini & Fanzago), is one of the most abundant natural enemies and efficient predator of phytophagous mites in Iran. The miticides hexythiazox (Nisorun®, EC 10%), fenpyroximate (Ortus®, SC 5% , and abamectin (Vertimec®, EC 1.8%) were tested in the laboratory for their side effects on P. plumifer. The miticides were applied at the highest field recommended concentration (N) to detached leaves using a Potter Tower to deposit 2 mg spray solution per cm2. Percent predator mortality was evaluated from the protonymph up to the adult stage including the first five days of the oviposition period. Analysis of data showed that the total effect values ​​of hexythiazox were below the lower threshold, and thus it could be considered to be a harmless miticide to P. plumifer. In contrast, the total effects of fenpyroximate and abamectin were found harmful to the predatory mite at the highest field recommended concentrations.
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我的一个朋友吃饭谈生意碰到冷场时,就会跟别人聊聊星座。她说和陌生人交谈,一开始难免生疏,但如果谈论星座,就既有趣又不过分涉及隐私,还能关注到在场的每个人,这样彼此之间的关系就能更加融洽,事情也就好办多了,所以在闲暇时间,她就从网上和星座书上看相关的知识。她绝对有一个星座专家的范儿,说得让人特别信服。这就是她本人的辨识度。光傻喝酒有时是没有用的,还得来点儿与众不同的交谈,才能吸引别人的注意力。  我
现代社会,如果我们听说了哪家弟弟娶了哥哥的妻子,哪怕哥哥已经去世了多年,也是一件非常令人反感的事儿,说得难听点,有“乱伦”的嫌疑,走到哪儿都要被人在背后戳脊梁骨。然而在中国的历史中,娶兄弟遗孀,甚至父亲小妾的事情却时有发生,而且许多当事人还是在后世颇具贤名的帝王。  这让人不禁感到疑惑,这些明明应该最看重自己形象的人,怎么敢如此大张旗鼓地干出如此道德沦丧的事情呢?他们难道不怕被世人的唾沫淹死吗? 
收到Emily的电邮,她说,几个星期前,是她旧男友的生日,她约他出来吃饭。她告诉他,虽然已经分开两年,但她从未忘记他,可是,一年前,他已经和另一个女孩子恋爱了。  这一晚,他拥抱着她,叫她忘记以前的一切。她很痛苦,不知道应该忘记他还是记着他,她只知道自己很爱他。  这件事的信息已经很清楚了,他正爱着另一个女人,并且不打算回到Emily的身边,他拥抱她,只是可怜她。现在不走,还等什么?  等一个不会
患者男,32 岁。因 患药物性肝炎住院 治疗 1 个月,出院后持 续黄疸 4 个 半月,于 2003 年 9 月 4 日到我 院就诊。 患者 于 2003 年 3 月 26 日因 乏力 、纳差、尿黄半个月,