Henry James' s International Theme:Its Relevance to China in the Twenty-first Century

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Henry James’s novels and stories are profoundly existential works.We cannot read them attentively without considering how our imaginative life makes us more fully human.But the relevance of James’s work extends beyond this generalized application.It can also be a guide to what it means to be a creative citizen of a global community in the twenty-first century.To understand why Henry James has such relevance almost a hundred years after his Henry James’s novels and stories are profoundly existential works.We can not read them attentively without considering how our imaginative life makes us more fully human.But the relevance of James’s work extends beyond this generalized application. It can also be a guide to what it means to be a creative citizen of a global community in the twenty-first century. To understand why Henry James has such relevance almost a hundred years after his
摘 要 当下德育课堂出现了对道德知识有意无意回避的现象,这一现象的出现,有其自身的原因。道德知识的学习不容忽视,当今德育应该明确道德知识对于品德的意义。  关 键 词 刻意规避;道德知识;道德学习  作者简介 刘巧利,中国教育科学研究院教育理论研究中心助理研究员,北京师范大学教育学部博士生    一次班会公开课让笔者久久不能释怀。班会的主题是“不能丢掉的美德——诚信”。    年轻的女老师简