鼓足干劲 实现更大更好 更全面的跃进——论巩固持续地开展“安全、节约、车吨月产万吨公里”红旗竞赛运动

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在党的鼓足干劲,力争上游,多快好省地建设社会主义总路线的光辉照耀下和各级党委的正确领导下,全国广大公路运输职工意气风发,斗志昂扬,以冲天的革命干劲,顽强地克服了油料、材料、配件不足的困难,特别是党的八届八中全会以后,各地汽车运输的生产指标一再刷新,车吨产量直线上升,山东全省公路运输职工以武松打虎的干劲,实现了安全、节约、车吨月产万吨公里省;河南省全体公路运输职工以愚公移山的精神,攻破了安全、节约、车吨月产万吨公里大关,并出现了一个双万吨公里的公司,3万吨公里的车队,5万吨公里的车组,10万吨公里的单车;浙江省全体公路运输职工,也以雷霆万钧之势,在11月份车吨月产平均8340吨公里的基础上,奋起直追,突破了“安全、节约、车吨月产万吨公里”关。湖南省的平均车吨月产也 With the party’s supremacy of drumming, striving for the glory of the upper reaches of the upper reaches and the principle of building a socialist road in a more efficient and economical manner, and under the correct leadership of party committees at all levels, the vast majority of road transport workers in the entire country are highly spirited and militarious and overcome with unrelenting revolutionary drive After the Eighth Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee of the Party, the production indicators of automobile transport across the country were refreshed one after another. The output of trucks and trucks plummeted. The workers and staff of road transport in Shandong Province, with the drive of Wu-shu and Tigers, realized In the spirit of foolish common people moving mountains, Henan Province has smashed the safety, economy, and ton of truck tons of monthly kilometer mark, and has emerged a company with a double-ton-kilometer kilometer. 3 50,000 tons kilometer car fleet and 100,000 kilometres kilometers bicycles. All road transport workers in Zhejiang Province also made great efforts to catch up with and break through the average tonnage of 8340 tons per tonne in November with the potential of a thunderbolt. The “safety, conservation, tons of tons of car ton truck” off. Hunan Province, the average monthly production of cars also
问:怎样给牡丹浇水?怎样使牡丹花大色艳? 答:牡丹性喜干燥,肉质根系入土较深,一般墒情不需浇水。在特别干旱的情况下可适量浇水,时间以早晨和晚上浇为好。要使牡丹花大色艳,