为了做好城区孕产妇系统管理工作,我们对唐山市路北区1063名孕妇进行了高危妊娠发病因素调查。现将调查结果报告如下。一、材料与方法 1992年2月~5月,在全区抽样调查了147个居委会的孕妇共1063名,年龄21~40岁。其中初产妇1022名,经产妇41名。调查时采用统一的调查表格,均以Ⅲ级妇幼保健网提供的有关资料为准。高危妊娠筛查按照“河北省母子系统保健管理规范”中的评分标准进行。二、结果在1063名孕妇中,筛查出高危孕妇323例,高危发生率为30.39%,较江苏南通县
In order to do urban maternal system management, 1063 pregnant women in Lubei district of Tangshan City were investigated for the risk factors of high-risk pregnancy. The survey results are reported below. First, materials and methods February 1992 to May, a total of 1063 pregnant women surveyed in 147 neighborhood committees in the region, aged 21 to 40 years old. Among them, 1022 were primipara and 41 were mothers. The survey uses a unified survey form, are based on the information provided by the â ... ¢ maternal and child health network. Screening for high-risk pregnancy in accordance with “the rules of health management in the mother-child system in Hebei Province” in the grading standards. Second, the results of 1063 pregnant women, screening for high-risk pregnant women in 323 cases, the high risk rate was 30.39%, more than Nantong, Jiangsu