苗可秀作为30年代的一名青年知识分子,他从学生时代起直到参加抗日义勇军、创建少年铁血军,与日军作战身负重伤被捕惨遭杀害,在他短暂的一生中,表现了极强烈的民族意识和炽热的爱国主义思想。而他的爱国主义思想的核心内容与主观表现,就是他对日本帝国主义侵略行径的坚决反对和顽强抵抗。然而,苗可秀的爱国主义思想的产生绝非偶然。它是由一定条件所决定的。 一、中国优秀传统文化的教育熏陶与父辈、师长及先哲伟人的思想影响,是他奠定爱国主义思想的基石。
As a young intellectual in the 1930s, Miao Kexiu, from the student days until he participated in the Anti-Japanese Volunteers Army, founded the Jag Maze Army and was wounded in the wounded battles with the Japanese Army. In his brief life, he showed a strong nationality Consciousness and glowing patriotism. However, the core content and subjective expression of his patriotism are his firm opposition and tenacious resistance to the Japanese imperialist aggression. However, it is no accident that Miao Xiu-xiu’s patriotism came into being. It is determined by certain conditions. First, the educational influence of China’s excellent traditional culture and the influence of his parents, teachers and great men of thought are the cornerstones of his patriotism.