自从八二年接受改编“家·春·秋”,一直到八八年《家·春·秋》完成、播放、及至播放之后,我从没有停止过对于“改编”的思索。 改编,尤其是对于名著的改编,智者见智,仁者见仁。究竟怎样的改编才是值得称颂的呢?有人认为,对名著的改编应取慎重态度,忠实于原著是首要的;而有的人则相反,认为改编不是抄书,应该把原著视为素材,进行大胆地再创作。两种视点往往很对立,前者指责后者“歪曲”;后者指责前者“照搬”。在《家·春·秋》的改编中,也存在这种争议,引起我的思索。
Since I accepted the adaptation of “Spring Festival Autumn” in 1982 and did not finish “home, spring and autumn” in 1988 or until and after the broadcast, I never stopped thinking about “adaptation.” Adaptation, especially for the adaptation of the famous, wise see the wise, benevolent Jen. Some people think that adaptation of the famous should take a cautious attitude, faithful to the original is the most important; while others on the contrary, that the adaptation is not a copy of the book, the original should be regarded as material, Make bold re-creation. The two points of view are often very opposite, the former accused the latter “distorted”; the latter accused the former “copy.” In the “Spring and Autumn Annals,” the adaptation, there is also such a controversy, aroused my thoughts.