每年年底都是楼盘交钥匙的高峰期,随着精装修楼盘数量的逐步增加, 购买精装住宅的消费者也随之增加,很多读者来电询问对精装房的装修项目如何验收?达到什么标准才算合格? 验收精装房依据的标准北京市建装协家装委员会工程质量部主任金铮告诉记者,目前,北京装饰行业使用的验收标准有两个:一个是《北京市家庭装饰工程室内验收标准》,另一个是《高级装饰工程验收标准》,使用哪一个标准要看购房合同里是如何签订的,以合同规定的标准对工程进行验收。
The end of each year is the turn-key peak of real estate, with the gradual increase in the number of fine decoration real estate, purchase hardcover residential consumers also will increase, many readers asked about the decoration of hardcover housing, how to accept the inspection project to what standard Qualified? Refined hardcover room based on the standard Beijing Construction Association Furniture Installation Engineering Quality Director Jin Zheng told reporters that at present, the Beijing decoration industry acceptance criteria are two: one is “Beijing Home Decoration Engineering indoor acceptance criteria” The other is the “High Decoration Engineering Acceptance Standards”, which one to use depends on how to sign the purchase contract, to contract acceptance of the project standards.