采用圆形分布法分析松江区手足口病疫情的季节趋势,以了解上海市松江区手足口病疫情的季节趋势特征,为手足口病防控工作提供依据。研究显示,近年来松江区手足口病疫情呈逐年上升趋势。圆形分布分析显示,松江区手足口病整体疫情的R为0.334 0,手足口病散发期(2005-2006年)R值为0.160 4,手足口病流行期(2007-2009年)R值为0.378 7。手足口病流行期季节性集中趋势更为明显,春夏季相对高发;而在手足口病散发期,季节性集中趋势不明显。
The circular distribution method was used to analyze the seasonal trend of HFMD in Songjiang District in order to know the seasonal trend of HFMD in Songjiang District of Shanghai and to provide basis for the prevention and control of HFMD. Research shows that in recent years, Songjiang District, hand-foot-mouth disease showed a rising trend year by year. According to the circular distribution analysis, the R of HFMD in Songjiang District was 0.334 0, the R value of HFMD in 2005-2006 was 0.160 4, and the R value of HFMD in 2007-2009 was 0.378 7. Hand-foot-mouth disease epidemic seasonal concentration trend is more pronounced, spring and summer is relatively high; in hand-foot-mouth disease during the distribution period, the seasonal concentration is not obvious.