
来源 :现代预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:AdamMYS
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山东省新型农村合作医疗过去6年取得了很大成绩,参合率和筹资标准逐年提高,受益面不断扩大,全面实施门诊统筹加医院统筹模式,基层医疗机构也得到初步发展。但目前新农合也面临诸多挑战,政府应该采取相应措施,进一步完善这一制度。 The new rural cooperative medical system in Shandong Province has achieved great success over the past six years. The participation rate and funding standards have been increasing year by year. Benefit has been continuously expanded. The overall out-patient co-ordination and hospital co-ordination model have been implemented and primary health care institutions have also been initially developed. However, there are still many challenges facing NCMS. The government should take appropriate measures to further improve this system.
摘要:在中学美术教学中,素描教学属于基础性课程,学生只有掌握了素描的基本技巧,才能进行更高层次的美术学习。针对中学美术素描教学存在的问题,本文提出了几点对策,希望通过深层探究,更好地激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的美术综合素养。  关键词:中学美术 素描教学 问题 对策  素描是中学美术教学的主要内容,但在素描教学中存在学生学习兴趣低、学生难以发挥主体作用,教师教学缺乏针对性、教学安排不合理以及教学