引子 1992年夏天,我们去定陶县外贸纺纱厂采访。这个纺纱厂座落在定陶县城和平路南端,占地30000多平方米,建筑面积7852平方米,其中兔毛纺主车间4652平方米,拥有从意大利引进的具有八十年代国际先进水平的“一和、三梳、三纺”成套兔毛纺设备,固定资产己达3000万元。厂区绿树成荫,花卉争妍,假山秀丽,喷泉欢唱。建筑布局十分合理,雄伟壮观。
In the summer of 1992, we went to interview the Dingtao Foreign Trade Spinning Mill. The spinning mill is located in the southern tip of Heping Road, Dingtao County, covers an area of more than 30,000 square meters, construction area of 7,852 square meters, of which 4652 square meters main rabbit wool workshop, with the introduction of Italy with the 1980s international advanced level “ One and three combs, three spinning ”complete sets of rabbit wool spinning equipment, fixed assets have reached 30 million yuan. Tree-lined plant, flower contend Yan, beautiful rockery, fountain singing. Building layout is very reasonable, majestic.