冠心病除了要注意主食和油脂的合理食用外,对于其它饮食的利弊也要有所了解,以便注意选择.蔬菜与水果 带色的蔬菜和水果,如油菜、菠菜、西红柿、茄子、西瓜等等,是冠心病患者较理想的食物.蔬菜和水果中含有丰富的维生素C.据国外报道,维生c具有明显的抑制动脉粥样硬化的作用.长期食用含维生素C丰富的食物,可显著降低冠心病患者已经增高的血胆固醇水平.按照法国毛里森在1969年报告,硫酸软骨素A可
Coronary heart disease in addition to pay attention to the staple food and fat, reasonable consumption, the pros and cons of other diets also have to understand, in order to pay attention to choose. Vegetables and fruits with colored vegetables and fruits such as rape, spinach, tomatoes, eggplant, watermelon and so on , Is the ideal food for patients with coronary heart disease. Vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C. According to foreign reports, vitamin c has a clear inhibitory effect of atherosclerosis. Long-term consumption of foods rich in vitamin C can be significantly reduced Patients with coronary heart disease have elevated blood cholesterol levels.According to the French Mauriceon report in 1969, chondroitin sulfate A