
来源 :云南地税 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xboy123
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为切实发挥纳税信用等级与银行客户信用等级在强化税源管理方面的积极作用,师宗县地税局与曲靖市商业银行师宗支行建立纳税信用等级信息交换及运用工作联系制度,加强纳税信用等级评定和银行客户信用等级的信息交换运用工作。具体做法是:一、将纳税人办理纳税登记、纳税义务履行情况纳入信贷审核报批的要求范围,税务机关同银行间加强合作配合,共同促进诚信体系建立。二、做好向纳税人、银行客户的宣 In order to give full play to the positive role of tax credit rating and bank customer credit rating in strengthening tax source management, Shizong Prefecture Local Taxation Bureau and Qujing City Commercial Bank Shizong Branch established information exchange and employment contact system for tax credit rating, and strengthened tax credit rating And bank customers credit rating information exchange application work. The specific approach is: First, the taxpayers for tax registration, tax obligations to fulfill the conditions included in the scope of the requirements of credit approval, the tax authorities and banks to strengthen cooperation and cooperation to jointly promote the establishment of integrity system. Second, do a good job taxpayers, bank clients declared