根据国家、省、市关于“将劳 动保障工作延伸至街道社区”的要求, 我区认真贯彻全市街道社区劳动保障工 作协调会议精神,及时将街道社区劳动 保障平台建设工作摆上区委、区政府的 重要议事日程。为此,在市委、市政 府的关心支持下,在市劳动和就业部门 的精心指导下,我区赣江、解放、南 外、东外4个街道劳动保障事务所和42 个居委会社区劳动保障工作站已经建立 并开始正常运转,基本形成了区、街 道、社区三级劳动保障工作网络。
According to the requirements of the state, province and city on extending labor and social security to neighborhood communities, our district conscientiously implemented the spirit of coordination meeting on labor and social security of neighborhood communities in the city and placed the construction work of social security for neighborhood community on the platform of district committee and district government Important agenda. To this end, with the support of the municipal government and the municipal government, with the careful guidance of the municipal labor and employment department, the Labor and Social Security Department of 4 Streets in Ganjiang, Jiefang, Nannan and East China and the 42 neighborhood committees’ labor and social security Workstations have been established and started normal operation, basically formed a district, street, community level three work security network.