False information fraud, as its low cost of crime and high return of criminality, has become the crime of choice for many criminals when they commit fraud crimes. After the rapid spread of communications networks in recent years, the fraud has become more and more serious. In order to effectively combat crime. Two high promulgated the “Interpretation of Several Issues Concerning the Specific Application of Law in Handling Criminal Cases of Fraud”, and some articles made specific provisions on fraudulent information fraud cases, in particular, the contents of which were the number of criminal frauds and the number of criminal calls , For the effective suppression of this type of crime, penalty penalty to be punished for their crimes, has an important role. The prosecutor in handling the case of the defendant Huangmou, Huang Mou B fraud found that the two defendants is the way to make phone calls to implement fraud, through the guidance of public security and the case controversy legal analysis, the prosecution of public security organs Missing facts of the crime, the two defendants of the statutory sentence from three years of imprisonment to 10 years imprisonment (attempted), done to punish their crimes.