Since 1973, our group has started to set up a small animal model of periodic malayian worm. In the experimental work, it is an important issue to choose the mosquito species which has high infection rate and breeding and convenient to Mami filariasis. Anopheles sinensis is one of the most important natural vectors of Malayan filariasis in China. It has been reported that mosquitoes infected with mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles sinensis are infected with periodic malayian filariasis. In recent years, the Shanghai Insect Institute has succeeded in breeding and domestication of the mosquito species in the laboratory. Therefore, from June 1974 to May 1975, we focused on the domesticated An. Sinensis mosquitoes as a medium for the artificial infection of periodic Malayan worm test, and infected infected larvae were inoculated in gerbils and macaques In vivo, later