中国的研究人员报道:大量摄入含异黄酮饮食的绝经后妇女比摄入少的妇女骨密度(BMD)高,但在绝经前,异黄酮的摄入并不影响BMD。 香港大学的Annie W C Kung博士和他的同事们收集了650名年龄从19到86岁的中国女性的调查数据。研究者根据饮食的调查问卷来判断她们的异典酮摄入水平。同时测量了她们腰椎和髋部的BMD。 在经过对年龄、身高、体重、绝经时间、吸烟、饮酒、激素替代治疗和每天的钙摄入情况校正后,摄入异黄酮最多的绝经后妇女的BMD比摄入异黄酮最少的妇女显著增高。 研究者发现:摄入异黄酮最多的绝经后妇女的BMD平均值是0.820g/cm2,而摄入异黄酮最少的妇女
Chinese researchers report that postmenopausal women who consume large amounts of the isoflavone diet have higher BMD than women who consume less, but pre-menopausal intake of isoflavones does not affect BMD. Dr Annie W C Kung and colleagues at the University of Hong Kong collected data on the survey of 650 Chinese women aged 19 to 86 years. Researchers based on the diet questionnaire to determine their level of canonical ketone intake. BMD was measured simultaneously in their lumbar spine and hip. After adjustment for age, height, weight, menopausal time, smoking, alcohol consumption, hormone replacement therapy, and daily calcium intake, postmenopausal women with the highest isoflavone intake had significantly higher BMD than those with the least isoflavone intake . The researchers found that the average BMD for postmenopausal women who consumed the most isoflavones was 0.820 g / cm 2 while those who consumed the least amount of isoflavones