各位嘉宾、各位专家、同志们: 今天,受各界人士广为关注的《粤剧大辞典》编撰工作聘书颁授仪式隆重举行。在此,我代表《粤剧大辞典》编委会,代表中共广州市委和市委宣传部、市文化局、市文联、广州振兴粤剧基金会,对各位嘉宾、各位专家的光临表示热烈的欢迎;对已经或即将加入到这项光荣的事业中来的诸位同仁表示衷心的感谢;对一直关心和爱护粤剧事业,不遗余力、不辞劳苦地推动粤剧事业发展壮大的有识之士表示崇高的敬意。
Ladies and gentlemen, experts and comrades: Today, the ceremonial invitation letter for the preparation of the Cantonese Opera Dictionary, which is widely concerned by people from all walks of life, was held ceremoniously. On behalf of the editorial board of the Cantonese Opera Dictionary, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all guests and experts on behalf of the editorial board of the Cantonese Opera Dictionary, the Propaganda Department of the CPC Guangzhou Municipal Committee, the Municipal Bureau of Cultural Affairs, the Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and the Guangzhou Revitalization Cantonese Opera Foundation. I sincerely thank all the colleagues who have joined or will soon join this glorious cause. I would like to express my highest respect to all the people who have been caring and loving the cause of Cantonese opera and spare no effort in promoting the development of the Cantonese opera.