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秦天柱简介秦天柱,1952年生于成都。现为四川省诗书画院创研室主任、一级美术师、中国美术家协会会员、四川省文联委员、四川省美术家协会理事、四川省花鸟画会副会长。擅长写意花鸟画,主张有感而发,借物传情。作品迫求意境,讲构成,奔放而不粗狂,精微而不拘谨, 画面清新淡雅,疏朗空灵,有诗一般的意蕴。先后在成都、南京、北京、新加坡、香港、日本和台湾等地举办展览;作品参加中国花鸟画邀请展、全国画院作品邀请展、现代中国书画名家作品欣赏展、当代著名中国画家作品选、第18届国际艺术博览会、全国新人新作展,第八届全国美展、国际华人精英水墨画大展、全国画院双年展,百年中国画展等重要展出,曾获四川省优秀文艺作品奖、四川省美术作品展优秀奖、日本精选现代水墨画展优秀奖、四川省国画大展优秀奖、中国西部大地情国画大展优秀奖。作品先后在《江苏画刊》《美术》《文艺报》《人民日报》《中国书画》《书画家》、香港《文汇报》《美术家》《收藏天地》、台湾《艺术家》、新加坡《民众报》等国内外报刊杂志刊登和评介;出版有《秦天柱画集》《秦天柱花鸟画集》《秦天柱作品》《秦天柱作品辑》和《中国书画名家技法系列·秦天柱花鸟技法》,并入编《当代中国花鸟画》《当代著名中国画家作品选》《中国当代书画收藏宝典》等大型画集。作品分别为江苏省美术馆、深圳博物馆、中国美术馆、闩本中川美术馆、美国旧金山文化中心和泰国国王行官淡浮院收藏。中国美术家协会副主席、四川省美术家协会主席李少官先生曾在《秦天柱画集》序言中称:“在众多的花鸟画中他的画不同于一般,显得有勃勃生气和独特的韵味……”著名画家黄胄先生认为:“秦天柱在研究中国艺术之传统。在继承传统之精华中凝练新意,并将新意融贯于创作方面是下过一番功夫的”。(原载香港《美术家》杂志1989年第66期) 新加坡艺术评论家米岂先生称其作品为:“颇有大家气派,也表现了高度思想性的杰作”。(原载新加坡《民众报》杂志1983年第372期)著名美术家、评论家蔡若虹先生评论其作品:“寥寥数笔,情趣盎然! 没有丰富的生活感受和熟练的笔下功夫是很难达到这种艺术境界的”:(原载《人民日报》1988年3月 25日第8版)“吴作人的牦牛、秦天柱的小鸟、黄胄的驯驴骏马,也都是以生动活泼的形象令人瞩目”。 (原载《美术》1997年第8期) Introduction to Qin Tianzhu Qin Tianzhu, born in 1952 in Chengdu. Sichuan Provincial Poetry and Calligraphy Institute is now director of research, an artist, a member of the Chinese Artists Association, members of Sichuan Province Federation of Literature, Sichuan Province Artists Association, Sichuan Province, vice president of flowers and birds painting. Specializes in freehand flower and bird painting, advocates have feelings, borrowing material. Works forced the mood, speaking composition, bold but not crude, subtle rather than cautious, the picture fresh and elegant, ethereal, poetic general implication. He has successively held exhibitions in Chengdu, Nanjing, Beijing, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and Taiwan. His works have participated in the invitation exhibition of Chinese birds and flowers, the invitational exhibition of the National Academy of Fine Arts, the exhibition of works of modern Chinese calligraphy and painting famous artists, 18th International Art Fair, New Exhibition of New People, Eighth National Art Exhibition, International Chinese Elite Ink Painting Exhibition, National Art Biennale, Centennial Chinese Painting Exhibition and other important exhibitions, won the Sichuan Provincial Excellent Art Award, Sichuan Fine Arts Outstanding Exhibition of Works, Japan Excellence Award for Modern Ink Painting Exhibition, Excellent Award of Sichuan Painting Exhibition, Excellent Award of Earth Love Painting Exhibition in Western China. His works have been successively published in Jiangsu Pictorial, Art, Wenyi, People's Daily, Chinese Calligraphy and Paintings, Calligraphy and Painting, Hong Kong Wen Wei Po, Artists, World of Collections, Taiwan Artist, Singapore People's Daily “And other domestic and foreign newspapers and magazines published and review; published” Qin Tianzhu painting set “” Qin Tianzhu bird and flower painting set “” Qin Tianzhu works “” Qin Tianzhu works “and” Chinese calligraphy and techniques of series Qin Tianzhu bird techniques “, incorporated” contemporary Chinese flowers and birds Paintings “” Contemporary famous Chinese painter works selected “” Chinese contemporary painting collection Collection “and other large paintings. The works are respectively collected by Jiangsu Provincial Art Museum, Shenzhen Museum, China National Art Museum, Nakagawa Art Museum, US San Francisco Cultural Center and Thailand's King Executive. Mr. Li Shaoguan, Vice Chairman of Chinese Artists Association and Chairman of Sichuan Artists Association, once said in the preface to ”Qin Tianzhu's Painting Collection:“ Among his many paintings of flowers and birds, his paintings are different from ordinary ones and seem to be full of vitality and unique charm ... ” The famous painter Mr. Huang Xuan said: “Qin Tianzhu is studying the tradition of Chinese art, and has spent a lot of time refining new ideas in the essence of inheriting tradition and integrating new ideas in creation.” (Originally published in Hong Kong, “Art Magazine” No. 66, 1989) Singapore art critic Mr. Mi Qi said his work is: “quite popular style, but also showed a highly thought-masterpiece.” (Formerly Singapore's “People's Daily” magazine No. 372 of 1983) famous artist and critic Cai Ruihong comments on his work: “a handful of pen, full of fun! Without a rich life experience and skilled pen effort is difficult to achieve this Kind of artistic realm ”: (formerly People's Daily, March 25, 1988, 8th Edition)“ Wu Zuoren's yak, Qin Tianzhu's little bird and Huangpi's tame donkey horse are also vivid and lively Spotlight. ” (Originally contained in “Art” No. 8 of 1997)