Labor education is an important part of communist education. Labor education for primary school students is mainly achieved through teaching in all subjects. Math is no exception, teaching should be able to carry out labor education. Some people think that arithmetic is only a few numbers, four computing symbols, to teach to teach, only to calculate, unlike other disciplines such as language, how can we carry out labor education? Arithmetic section that only a simple teaching of arithmetic knowledge, calculation methods, To pure arithmetic point of view to teach arithmetic teaching, only to meet the students will be calculated as 3 +2 = 5 This is enough. Such ideas and practices, measured by the requirements of education through labor education, are clearly not enough. We all know: the primary task of arithmetic teaching, there are three main. Take the task of “cultivating basic math knowledge skills and proficiency skills”, which is to give students the knowledge that math knowledge is the accumulation of wisdom and experience of working people. Learning math knowledge is to serve labor production, and to acquire math knowledge skills and proficiency Skills must be through their own mental work and repeated practice; these say above, it also has the meaning of labor education. Take the second task "to develop children