Patient, female, 35 years old. Because of oral two hours of music, coma half an hour emergency admission. Patients self-service dimethoate solution 100ml, about 20 minutes after the family was found, carrying the unit medical office, gastric lavage with gastric lavage. The first infusion of gastric lavage 1000ml, back to suction 300ml can not continue to withdraw. An hour after the transfer to a hospital emergency department, patients lost consciousness on the way. In the emergency department gastric lavage, due to the tube out of bright red blood, that is, to stop gastric lavage income ward. Admission examination: deep coma, double pupil 2mm, unresponsive to light, the bottom of the lung can be heard and wet rales, abdominal bulge, knocking drum sound, disappeared liver dullness, mobility dullness (±). Muscle tremor can be seen. Cholesterol lipase activity: O. After treatment: nasal catheter after admission oxygen, repeated static