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据报道,无患子科凹缘无患子(Sapindusemarginatus Vahl.)和无患子(S.mukorossiGaertn)的果实具有杀灭人和鼠精液中精子的作用。从无患子果皮和果实中已分离出无患子甙(mukorosin)和其它三萜皂甙,一种含有无患子混合皂甙的阴道内避孕药也已制成。虽然已有从凹缘无患子的果实和叶中分离凹缘无患子皂甙和少量黄酮化合物的报道,但对其果实的重新研究,除得到以前报道的皂甙外,又分离出两种新的三萜皂甙,暂定名为凹缘无患子甙(emaarginatoside)B和C。凹缘无患子的果皮打粉后,用乙醇提取 According to reports, the fruits of Sapindusemarginatus Vahl. and S. mukorossi Gaertn have the effect of killing sperm in human and rat semen. Mukorosin and other triterpenoid saponins have been isolated from the fruitless skin and fruit, and an intravaginal contraceptive containing safrole mixed saponins has also been made. Although there have been reports of the separation of sapogenin and a small amount of flavonoids from the fruit and leaves of Sapindus lanatus, the re-study of their fruit has resulted in the isolation of two new species in addition to the previously reported saponins. The triterpenoid saponins are tentatively called emaarginatoside B and C. After the skin of the pitted sapindula was powdered, it was extracted with ethanol.
从金锦香植物中分离到5个成分,经光谱和化学分析,分别鉴定为2-呋喃甲酸,琥珀酸,熊果酸,槲皮素,胡萝卜甙。以上成分均为首次从该植物中获得。 Five components were isolated
苦参碱(Matrine)是从苦参(Sophora flavescens Ait.)等豆科槐属植物中提取的生物碱,具有抗肿瘤、平喘和抑菌作用。临床观察,对急性菌痢有明显的疗效。它是“妇炎栓”的主药
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