1 病历摘要患者,男性,62岁。因服用含超量马钱子的中药胶囊而突然发生心跳呼吸停止,约15分钟后由急救车送入本院急诊ICU。途中和入院后持续给以胸外心脏按压和人工呼吸。入院后立即经气管插管给心脏三联,接呼吸机以IPPV模式机械通气。同时经左肘静脉通道给生理盐水10ml加肾上腺素2mg快速静推,5%小苏打200ml静滴,心电监护示室扑,继而室颤,立即给予200焦耳直流电非同步电除颤、转为室速,静推50mg利多卡因未能控制,2分钟后再次室颤,立即给300焦耳电除颤,转为室性自搏心律,静推生理盐水加肾上腺素
Patient, male, 62 years old. Due to taking Chinese medicine capsules containing excessive Strychni sudden heartbeat stopped breathing about 15 minutes after the ambulance into the hospital emergency ICU. On the way and after admission, continuous chest compressions and artificial respiration were given. Immediately after admission through the tracheal intubation to the heart triple, then ventilator IPPV mode mechanical ventilation. At the same time by the left elbow venous access to normal saline 10ml plus epinephrine 2mg rapid static push, 5% sodium bicarbonate 200ml intravenous infusion of ECG flutter ventricular fibrillation, and then ventricular fibrillation, immediately given 200 joules DC non-synchronized defibrillation, converted to room Fast, static push 50mg lidocaine failed to control, ventricular fibrillation after 2 minutes, immediately to 300 joules defibrillation, converted to ventricular stroke, intravenous injection of saline plus epinephrine