接骨木(Sambucus williamsii Hance.),为忍冬科的一种落叶灌木。全株入药,用于治疗脑血管疾病、并对骨折、跌打损伤、水肿荨麻疹等有特效。果期较长,亦是良好的绿化树种,本文主要介绍接骨木的育苗技术。一、播种育苗技术1.种子的采集接骨木果实在吉林省辉南县7月中下旬成熟,成熟时果实深红色,用手捏破有乳白色浆汁流出,每粒果实中有种子三枚。果实成熟后应及时采集,以免鸟类啄食。将采摘的果实拣净杂物,用软木板搓破果皮挤出种子,加水搅拌,清除果皮果肉,捞出
Sambucus williamsii Hance., A deciduous shrub of the family Lonicera. The whole plant medicine for the treatment of cerebrovascular disease, and fractures, bruises, urticaria edema and other effects. Fruit is longer, is also a good green tree species, this article describes elder seedling technology. I. Seeding nursery technology 1. Seeds collection elm fruit in Huinan County, Jilin Province in mid-late mature in July, when mature fruit dark red, squeezed hand-squeezed milky juice outflow, each fruit has three seeds. Fruits should be collected in time to avoid birds pecking. Picking the fruits picked net debris, rub the broken skin with cork extruded seeds, add water, stirring, remove the peel pulp, remove