如果说悉尼人凭借其顽强执着的精神获得了2000年奥运会举办权,那么希腊雅典人以其奥林匹克运动发源地的身份如愿以偿赢得2004年奥运会的举办权则属众望所归。现在,2008年奥运会的申办已经竞争十分激烈。其它几个申办城市大阪、伊斯坦布尔、巴黎和多伦多,个个都具有强劲实力,它们已对北京形成“合围”之势。那么,北京该怎么办呢? 针对人类自然环境污染日益严重的现实,北京奥申委审时度势,大胆提出“绿色奥运”的理念,是卓有远见的。相对于其它四个候选城市的特色,北京奥申委的口号可以说是别出心裁,颇有新鲜感。“绿色奥运”不仅体现了“奥林匹克精神”的“纯
If Sydney was given the right to host the 2000 Olympic Games for its perseverance and dedication, it would have been very much for the Greek Athenians to win the bid for the 2004 Olympic Games in their capacity as the birthplace of the Olympic Movement. Now the bid for the 2008 Olympic Games has been fiercely competitive. Several other bidding cities, Osaka, Istanbul, Paris and Toronto, all have strong power and have formed a ”siege“ for Beijing. So what should Beijing do? In view of the fact that Beijing’s natural environment is becoming increasingly polluted, Beijing Olympic Committee is bold in foresight and boldly put forward the concept of ”Green Olympics.“ Compared with the characteristics of the other four candidate cities, the slogan of Beijing Olympic Committee can be said to be ingenious and fresh. ”Green Olympics “ not only reflects the ”Olympic spirit " pure