患者,女,30岁。因鼻塞10余年,于1980年3月24日住院。10年前始有鼻塞,逐年加重,呈持续性,未经系统治疗。近5年来,除鼻塞加重外,尚感头昏,但无脓涕及鼻涕带血。2年前行“鼻息肉”摘除术,因出血较多而中止手术。术后鼻塞无明显改善,近半月来鼻塞、头昏、头痛加重。 一般状态较佳。外鼻无畸形。双侧中鼻甲呈息肉样改变,充满鼻腔。肿物表面呈灰白色,光滑,触之弹性硬,但实质是骨样硬,活动差。鼻中隔向右移位并与肿物粘连。后鼻孔处充满肿物,表面有血
Patient, female, 30 years old. He had been hospitalized on March 24, 1980 because of nasal congestion for more than 10 years. He had a stuffy nose 10 years ago and he was getting heavier every year, showing continuity and without systemic treatment. In the past five years, except for aggravation of nasal congestion, he was still dizzy, but he had no pustules and bloody nose. Two years ago, he had undergone the removal of “nasal polyps” and he had to stop the operation because of more bleeding. There was no significant improvement in nasal obstruction after surgery. Nasal congestion, dizziness, and headache were worsened in the past half-month. The general condition is better. The external nose is not deformed. The bilateral middle turbinates are polypoid and filled with nasal cavity. The surface of the tumor is grayish white, smooth and elastic, but the essence is hard and poor. The nasal septum shifts to the right and adheres to the mass. After the nose is full of tumors, the surface of blood