合肥 再制造发展的一种可行性模式

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再制造。这个概念在工程机械行业已经火了好几年,得到政策扶持并落地实施也已有3年。这期间,一批试点企业得到了政策支持,得到了发展的动力。3年来,可以说,绝大多数具有实力与规模上马再制造项目的企业都已经付诸实践,此外,也还有相当多的企业正在跃跃欲试。然而,行业内也有不客气的观点认为,再制造这些年的发展并不够理想。因为,参与再制造业务的企业主体多门多类,各家企业对再制造概念的认识也各不相同。还有观点认为,一些企业理解的再制造,仍旧没有脱离出大修和翻 Remanufactured. This concept has been in the construction machinery industry for several years and has been supported by the policy and has been implemented for three years. During this period, a number of pilot enterprises have received policy support, has been the driving force for development. In the past three years, it can be said that the vast majority of enterprises that have the strength and scale to remanufacture projects have already put into practice. In addition, a considerable number of enterprises are still trying their best. However, there are also blunt views in the industry that the development of remanufacturing in these years is not satisfactory. Because, re-manufacturing business involved in a wide range of subjects, each business understanding of the concept of remanufacturing are also different. There is also the view that some companies understand the remanufacturing, still not out of the overhaul and turn
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