中华松梢蚧(Matsucoccus sinensis Chen)又称松针蚧,是以若虫寄生在松树针叶上的一种害虫,在本省宁波地区分布较广,它刺吸树液,危害松树。该虫每年发生一代,雌虫终生隐藏在无肢若虫蜕壳里,交尾后雌虫在壳里边产卵边向前收缩,给防治带来了困难。1981至1983年我们对松梢蚧卵期的两种天敌——松蚧瘿蚊(Lestcdiplosis SP.)和牯岭草岭(Chrysopa kulingensis Navas)作了初步观察。据观察松蚧瘿蚊一年发生一代。
Matsucoccus sinensis Chen, also known as pine needles, is a pest infesting pine needles on nymphs. It is widely distributed in the province of Ningbo, and it sucks sap and harms pine trees. The pest occurs a generation each year, the female hidden in the lifeless nymphs in the whole life of the molt, after mating female lay eggs in the shell side of the forward contraction, to prevention and control brought about difficulties. From 1981 to 1983, we conducted a preliminary observation of two natural enemies, Lestcdiplosis sp. And Chrysopa kulingensis Navas, in the egg stage of B. sinensis. It is observed that pine bream mosquitoes occur a generation a year.