据日本电子机械工业会统计预测:世界石英晶体元器件市场需求将由2000年的60亿只,达到2004年的87.8亿只,其中SMD石英晶体元器件将由13.2亿只增加到33.4亿只。在国内市场,以下产品对SMD晶体元器件有较大需求: 1.移动电话。2002年,我国生产手机1.3亿郝;2003年生产1.6亿—1.7亿部。按每部手机使用一只SMD晶体元器件计算,2003年所需SMD晶体元器件1.7亿只。这是一
According to Japan's electronic machinery industry statistics forecast: the world demand for quartz crystal components market from 6 billion in 2000 to 8.78 billion in 2004, of which SMD quartz crystal components from 1.32 billion to 3.34 billion. In the domestic market, the following products have greater demand for SMD crystal components: 1. Mobile phones. In 2002, China produced 130 million mobile phones; in 2003, it produced 160 million to 170 million. Calculated by using a SMD crystal component per cell phone, 170 million SMD crystal components are required in 2003. this is one