一日与诸贤豪饮,杯盘狼藉之后,东倒西歪,不成形态,俨然一幅艺术品。于是,宣纸摊开,泼墨为快。任笔墨飞舞,不时溅到身上和天花板。醉纸扔一地。翌日打扫,不经意间,发现醉纸上“动”了起来。笔墨真会舞动吗?即请昨日诸贤鉴观,皆叹为奇妙。由是定曰:醉书。 醉,是人间一种非常的现象,非常的境界。人,一旦获醉,便超然现实,变成不同寻常。醉与书法结合,变成了一个非常奇妙的笔墨世界。醉,实际上是一种升华,飞跃,特殊的心理超越。醉书作为一种涨扬
One day with the mansion drink, after the mess, cupboard, crooked, did not form, just like a piece of art. So, spread out rice paper, ink fast. Pen ink flying, from time to time splashed on the body and ceiling. Drunk paper threw a place. The next day cleaning, inadvertently, found on the wet paper “move” up. Pen and ink really move it? Please refer to yesterday’s view, are amazing. It is set by saying: drunk book. Drunk, is a very human phenomenon, a very realm. Once they get drunk, they become detached and become unusual. Drunk and calligraphy combined into a very wonderful world of ink. Drunk, in fact, is a sublimation, leap, a special psychological surpass. Drunk book as a rise