大医精诚是我国古代医德的最高境界之一,不仅强调了祖国医学的宏大广博,更强调了医者的高尚道德情操、宽广的胸襟和至高、至远、至深、至大的思想境界,强调了从医者必须对医术精益求精、一丝不苟,强调了医学及医者必须至诚至信为民除疾灭病,精诚为患者服务.然而,近年来,暴力伤医事件频发,医患冲突升级,致医生死亡的情况时有发生,医院成为暴力的宣泄口,超越了人们所能承受的道德底线,直接影响了医疗事业的发展和社会的稳定.本文根据当前医患冲突不断升级的背景,分析了医患冲突产生的主客观原因,从医学美德的价值,提出缓和医患矛盾的建议和办法,重提医学美德,重建医患信任,为祖国医药卫生事业发展视角建言献策.“,”To achieve integrity and proficiency is one of the highest level of ethics in ancient Chinese medicine.It not only emphasizes the greatness and extensiveness of Chinese medicine,it also accentuates a healers noble sentiments,open mindedness,and all-embracing ideological level.h disciplines doctors to achievement excellence,to be meticulous,to treat illnesses,and to serve the sick whole heartedly.However,there have been recent deaths from increased violence against doctors due to escalation of the conflict between doctors and patients.Hospitals have turned into an outlet for violence.This is beyond the minimum ethical tolerance and has directly influenced the development of medicine as well as the stability of Chinese society.This article offers thoughts on the ethics of medicine through the viewpoint of the escalating conflict between doctors and patients and analyzes the subjective and objective reasons leading to the doctor-patient conflicts.It also discusses the value of medical ethics and proposes suggestions and methods on how to alleviate the tension between doctors and patients in order to reintroduce medical ethics and reestablish doctor-patient trust,and,finally,provide suggestions and strategies for the development of health care in China.