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去年,沈阳市举行了农村建筑设计竞赛。辽宁省建筑学会科普委员会将中选方案汇编成《农村建筑图集》,供北方地区农村建设参考。图集中包括住宅、学校、俱乐部、鸡舍、豆腐房等设计方案31个。五个楼房住宅还编制了结构施工图,编写了建筑与结构的文字说明。还 Last year, Shenyang City held a rural architectural design competition. Liaoning Provincial Academy of Architecture Science Popularization Committee compiled the selection plan into the Atlas of Rural Architecture for the reference of rural construction in the northern region. The map includes 31 homes, schools, clubs, chicken houses, tofu houses and other design programs. Five building houses have also compiled a structural construction drawing and written a textual description of the architecture and structure. also