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随着创作的深入与丰富,八〇后的写作越发呈现出一种莫名难辨的局面。迈过而立之年的门槛者,逐渐在思想上有了自我的提高与升华,在追求文学技巧圆熟成功之后,开始越来越注重作品内涵的深厚圆融、浑然天成与发人深省,奉献出更多的属于时代的作品;站在而立之年门槛上的另一批,则似乎处在一个转折的停顿当中,或者说进入了创作的瓶颈期,正蓄势待发,渴望破茧成蝶;慢慢地靠近而立之年门槛的后来者,许多也仍旧沉浸在成长的故 With the deepening and enrichment of writing, writing after 80 has become more and more difficult to distinguish. Over the threshold of the passing years, and gradually in the ideological self-improvement and sublimation, after the successful pursuit of literary skills, began to pay more and more attention to the profound connotation of the work, totally natural and thought-provoking, devote more Of the works belonging to the era; standing on the threshold of another group on the threshold, it seems that in a turning point in the pause, or entered the bottleneck of creation, is gaining momentum, longing for a cocoon into a butterfly; slow Slowly close to the threshold of the late New Year, many are still immersed in the growth of it
风来了  风无声吹,我注视一群蚂蚁  屋檐下有巢穴。更大的风就要到来  更大的,无常的事物,注视我  我動了搬石头的念头  风助我力,就像无常的事物搬动高山  召唤雨季,种子长成玉米,大豆  在风中,越来越警觉  手里的细微之物,速度都快得惊人  一些落地的声音,又轻又刺耳  暮色里  春色渐浓,天空是万花筒  翅羽崭新,云朵都红着脸,木棉花热爱着  听懂了风的耳语。安静的心,在树下散发香气  花
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一  我从未想过我的生活,会因一九九五年那个夏天而变得混乱不堪。那年夏天我中专毕业,混进县府大院成了史志办的小科员。上班没几天,屁股跟椅子还没热乎起来,便赶上县长冯万斌要重修县志。冯县长把史志办郭主任喊去喝茶,老冯弯着手指节奏分明地敲着办公桌说,你要把你的兵撒下去,少在办公室做八股文章,好多真相都藏在民间嘛。冯县长入仕之初便在县史志办搞材料,不过在县上编“85版”柳城县志时,他调去档案馆当馆长了。
在郊外  一座园子,活在人为的局中  枝枝桠桠经历了漫长的黑夜又白昼  通过艰深大地维系着生涯  果子的命是神予的  整个下午,我在摘苹果  感受着有限的与无限的穹顶之下  众多小事物聚集在秋天的力量  我从来不敢蔑视草木上的  露水,荆棘上的刺  及渐凉的风,并顺应  无人记住的一个黄昏的来临  无半点惶惑不安  我倾向于善,于简  于归或于心不忍  常常不愿意在尘土面前  把真相戳破  飘  
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Shundagarh is a village on India’s east-facing coast.It is a village of simple mud and grass houses built on the beach just Shundagarh is a village on India’
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