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1在科学技术领域中,经常会有这样的事情:从对一些偶然现象的仔细观察和深入研究中做出极其重要的发现和发明。青霉素的问世就是一个突出的例子。1928年,在英国伦敦的圣玛丽医院,为了寻找一种制服病原菌的新方法,细菌学家弗莱明正在进行着一项细菌学的培养变异试验。 In the field of science and technology, there are often such things as making extremely important discoveries and inventions from the careful observation and in-depth study of some contingencies. The advent of penicillin is a prominent example. In 1928, at St Mary’s Hospital in London, England, bacteriologist Fleming was conducting a bacteriological culture-based mutation test in search of a new method of unchanging pathogens.
苦豆碱和苦参碱的抑菌实验黄自明,郑化卿,邢莲梅河南省肿瘤研究所(450003郑州)苦豆碱(Aloperine)和苦参碱(Matrine)是从中药苦豆子(SophorealopecuroidesL.)中分离出单体生物碱,具有免疫、抗心率失常及消炎等生物... Antibacterial a