
来源 :疾病预防控制通报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wonderful_world
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目的了解并掌握新疆石河子垦区布鲁氏菌病流行特征和规律,为政府制定布鲁氏菌病防治策略和评价防控效果提供参考依据。方法收集并整理中国疾病预防控制信息系统中2005—2014年石河子垦区布鲁氏菌病病例资料,并进行统计学分析。结果 2005—2014年石河子垦区共报告病例370例,年平均发病率6.12/10万,不同年度发病率差异有统计学意义(χ2=39.53,P<0.05);石河子垦区下辖单位均有病例,不同地区发病人数构成比差异有统计学意义(χ2=8.77,P<0.05);病例主要分布于143团、石河子乡、石河子市、石河子总场、148团和142团,占总数的71.62%;不同月份发病人数构成比差异有统计学意义(χ2=5.91,P<0.05),3—8月发病269例、占72.69%,5月和6月为发病高峰;平均发病年龄45.8岁,以30~60岁最多、占82.97%;男性292例(78.92%)、女性78例(21.08%),性别比为3.74∶1,不同性别发病人数构成比差异有统计学意义(χ2=92.75,P<0.05);不同职业发病人数构成比差异有统计学意义(χ2=71.99,P<0.05),其中以农牧民和工人为主,占病例总数的79.46%。结论石河子垦区布鲁氏菌病疫情防控形势严峻,政府应从人间和畜间两方面做好各项防控措施,建立疫情信息互通制度,规范监测体系,采取加大畜牧检疫力度、加强监测、扎实开展健康教育、重点人群干预等人畜综合防控措施。 Objective To understand and grasp the epidemiological characteristics and rules of brucellosis in Shihezi reclamation area in Xinjiang and provide references for the prevention and control of brucellosis by the government. Methods The data of brucellosis in Shihezi Reclamation Area from 2005 to 2014 in China’s disease prevention and control information system were collected and analyzed, and statistical analysis was made. Results A total of 370 cases were reported in Shihezi reclamation area from 2005 to 2014, with an average annual incidence rate of 6.12 / lakh. There were significant differences in incidence rates between years (χ2 = 39.53, P <0.05). There were cases, The proportions of patients in different areas were significantly different (χ2 = 8.77, P <0.05). The cases were mainly distributed in 143 groups, Shihezi, Shihezi, Shihezi, 148 and 142 groups, accounting for 71.62% of the total. There were significant differences in the composition of incidence in different months (χ2 = 5.91, P <0.05), incidence of 269 cases in March-August (72.69%), peak incidence in May and June, mean age at onset was 45.8 years ~ 60 years old, accounting for 82.97%; 292 (78.92%) were male, 78 (21.08%) were female and the sex ratio was 3.74:1. There was significant difference in the proportion of different sexes (χ2 = 92.75, P < 0.05). There were significant differences in the occupational diseases among different occupations (χ2 = 71.99, P <0.05), with farmers and herdsmen as the main workers, accounting for 79.46% of the total cases. Conclusion The prevention and control of brucellosis in Shihezi reclamation area is grim. The government should make every effort to prevent and control the epidemic of brucellosis in Shihezi reclamation area. The government should make every effort to prevent and control the epidemic of brucellosis in Shihezi reclamation area, establish the system of information interoperability, standardize the monitoring system, intensify animal husbandry and quarantine, Solidly carry out health education, key population intervention and other comprehensive prevention and control measures.
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