A method of nonlinear self-shaping of signal light pulse and self-similar evolution in optical fiber amplifier is reported in this paper.The passive pulse shaping device composed of transmission grating and common single-mode fiber is used to pre-optimize the time domain width and spectrum of pulse Quality, make the pulse evolve into self-similar in fiber amplifier rapidly.Study the key role of non-linear shaping on pulse self-similar amplification by numerical simulation firstly, and improve the output pulse quality of amplifier, Chirped pulse width.In the experiment, by optimizing the nonlinear shaping output, pulse self-similar amplification was achieved in a 2.2 m long Yb3 + -doped fiber with a certain pumping power, and the pulse width 60 fs transform was obtained after chirp elimination Limit pulse output.The nonlinear pulse pre-shaping method effectively reduces the fiber length needed for the self-similar evolution and reduces the requirement of self-similar amplification on the quality of the seed source. For the first time, the all-dispersion fiber mode-locked laser is successfully used in the self- Similar amplification, to promote the current self-similar amplification system full fiber.