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参观全椒县吴敬梓纪念馆时,曾得到了一本黄小田评点的《儒林外史》。卷首有署名闲斋老人的序言,其中说: “稗官为史之支流,善读稗官者,可进于史。故其为书,亦必善善恶恶,俾读者有所观感戒惧,而风俗人心庶以维持不坏也。” 接着,又读到了安徽文艺出版社新出的长篇小说《时代悲歌》,更觉得闲斋老人序言中的这几句话说得好。这是一部很能抓住读者的心的小说。它反映了大体从1957到1967十年间政治风云的变幻,以及在这个具体环境里一对青年男女的离合悲欢,他们周围的一些 Visit Quanjian Wu Jingzi memorial hall, had been a Comment on Huang Xiaotian’s “Scholars”. There are prefaces to the signatures of the elderly in the signatory of the scroll, which states: “The barbarians are the tributaries of the history and they are good at reading the history of the barbarians. Therefore, as a book, they must also be good and evil and evil, However, the customs and habits of the people are not bad too. ”Then, read another new novel in the Anhui Literature and Art Publishing House,“ The Elegy of the Times, ”and even felt that these few words in the preamble of the idle people spoke very well. This is a very catchy reader’s novel. It reflects the general political change from 1957 to 1967, and the joys and sorrows of a young man and woman in this specific environment, some of them
Objective To explore the correlation between the cerebrospinal fluid protein and facial paralysis in patients with Guillain-Barre syndrome(GBS).Methods Clinical
Prevention of hepatitis B virus(HBV) infection with its consequent development of HBV chronic liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma is a global mandatory g
1 内蒙古林学院学报简介 《内蒙古林学院学报(自然科学版)》(以下简称学报)是我校主办的林业综合性学术期刊。主要刊登林学、沙漠治理、林业经济管理、森林工程、机电工程、
冰岛,人口只有26万,人民富足安乐。冰岛人的平均阅读率是世界第一。全国人民勤于读书,艺术家或文字工作者备受礼遇。 据统计,日本有76%的人用读书看报的方式打发他们的休闲时