Patient male, 64 years old. Repeated pus on the palate 3 years. No history of toothache. Check: the middle of the palatal palate 0.5cm at the palate nipple sinus, pus can be extruded, probe probe into the left 0.4cm. 24,25,26 missing, 23 crown discoloration, gingival mucosa normal lip. X-ray film shows 23 shades about 0.3 × 0.4cm. Diagnosis: 23 Chronic apical periodontitis. Under local anesthesia see the sinus with 23 roots connected, the 23 removed (Editor's note: the odontoinogenic palate sinus can not get rid of the teeth, the first root canal therapy to view the effect), open the palate mucoperiosteal flap see root Spina bifida and part of the palatal bone wall has been damaged, sinus and lumbar interlinked. Scratch the sinus and apical bone, suture. A new moon healing.