一、什么是“一费制” (一)“一费制”的出台背景 学校这个曾经被称为天底下最神圣的地方,已经不再神圣,而且将可能演变成一个填不满的“无底洞”,因为学校的收费名目繁多,而且屡禁不止。其中原因复杂,矛盾很多。概括起来,存在两方面的矛盾:一方面家长面临义务教育责任与支付高学费难的矛盾;另一方面学校面临学校经费来源有限与教育经费支出增大的矛盾。从学校来看,由于实行义务
First, what is the “one fee system” (a) “one fee system” The background of the introduction The school has been called the most sacred place under the sun, is no longer sacred, and will likely evolve into a filled with “bottomless pit” Because of the wide variety of school fees and charges, and despite repeated prohibitions. The reasons are complicated and contradictory. To sum up, there are two contradictions: on the one hand, parents face the contradiction between the obligation of compulsory education and the difficulty of paying high tuition fees; on the other hand, the schools are confronted with the contradiction between the limited funding sources for schools and the increase in education expenditures. From the school point of view, due to the implementation of obligations