
来源 :保险研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuguiyuan2009
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各国保险法通常规定,人身保险合同的被保险人在合同成立或复效后的一段时间内自杀,保险人不承担赔偿保险金的责任。但该规定涉及三个争议点,即:被保险人死亡原因的举证责任分配;死亡原因的举证责任标准;自杀如是在精神疾病的控制下,保险人是否应该赔付。美国的处理方法是:人寿保险由保险人承担自杀的举证责任,意外伤害保险先由受益人证明被保险人死于意外,再由保险人承担证明自杀的举证责任。但死亡原因的证明标准各州不同,以适用优势证据原则为主,兼有适用排除合理疑问原则。当自杀是在精神疾病的控制下所为时,绝大多数州都依据现行的保单条款允许保险人拒赔,只有少数州在确认该精神疾病已使死者丧失辨别能力时要求保险人赔付。我国在2009年2月28日保险法修订前,对该问题的规定较为滞后,但在修改后有了很大提高,对该问题设定了较为妥帖的法律规范,为日后进一步完善奠定了坚实的基础。 Insurance laws generally stipulate that insured persons in life insurance contracts commit suicide within a certain period of time after the contract is established or reelected, and the insurer will not be liable for the payment of insurance premiums. However, the provision involves three issues: the distribution of the burden of proof of the insured’s cause of death, the standard of proof of the cause of death, and whether the suicide should be paid by the insurer under the control of mental illness. In the United States, the method of handling is that the life insurance bear the burden of proof of the suicide by the insurer. The accidental injury insurance first shows the beneficiary to prove that the insured died in an accident, and the insurer should bear the burden of proof to prove suicide. However, the proof of the cause of death is different from state to state and is based on the principle of evidence of superiority and applies the principle of excluding reasonable doubt. When suicide is committed under the control of mental illness, most states allow the insurer to reimburse in accordance with the prevailing policy terms, and only a few states require the insurer to pay when they confirm that the mental illness has disabled the deceased. Before the revision of the Insurance Law on February 28, 2009, China lagged the provision on this issue, but after the revision, it greatly improved and set a more appropriate legal code on this issue, laying a solid foundation for further improvement in the future basis.
固态变压器(Solid State Transformer)是随着电力电子技术和能源互联网的发展而迅速兴起,通过电力电子变换实现电压变换和能量传递的新型变压器,可提供分布式可再生能源、能
各种电力电子设备被大量的推广和应用,给电力系统带来了严重的电能质量问题。随着现代电力电子技术和控制技术的不断发展,有源电力滤波器(Active Power Filter, APF)成为改善