Inhibitory effect of two Indian medicinal plants on aldose reductase of rat lens in vitro

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sinox2006
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Objective:To assesse the inhibitor) effect of alcoholic extract of two Indian medicinal plants namely Ceasalpinia digyna Rottler and.Alangium lamarckii Thwaits on aldose reductase(AR) of rat lens.Methods:Rats lens were enucleated through posterior approach and their homogenate was prepared and centrifuged to obtain a clear supernatant for the determination of AR activity and protein content.Results:The alcoholic extract of Ceasalpirda digyna and Alangium lamarckii had a potent inhibitory effect on the lens AR enzyme.The IC_(50) values of alcoholic extract of the selected plants were calculated and were(46.29±11.17) and(106.00±5.11)μg/mL,respectively. Quercetin was used as a positive control and its IC_(50) value was(2.95±1.53)μg/mL.Conclusions:Thus,it is concluded that alcoholic extracts of the selected plant exhibit significant inhibitory effects on AR in the rat lens in vitro. Objective: To assesse the inhibitor) effect of alcoholic extract of two Indian medicinal plants require Ceasalpinia digyna Rottler and. Alangium lamarckii Thwaits on aldose reductase (AR) of rat lens. Methods: Rats lens were enucleated through posterior approach and their homogenate was prepared and centrifuged to obtain a clear supernatant for the determination of AR activity and protein content. Results: The alcoholic extract of Ceasalpirda digyna and Alangium lamarckii had a potent inhibitory effect on the lens AR enzyme. IC 50 (50) values ​​of alcoholic extract of the selected (46.29 ± 11.17) and (106.00 ± 5.11) μg / mL, respectively. Quercetin was used as a positive control and its IC 50 value was (2.95 ± 1.53) μg / mL. Conclusions: Thus, it is said that alcoholic extracts of the selected plant exhibit significant inhibitory effects on AR in the rat lens in vitro.
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