因为有联想在背后注资,ZUK尚未诞生就颇受业界关注。但ZUK并不想做富二代,而是要做一家真正用互联网思维武装的酷公司。“信任是一种特殊的品质。它不能被购买,不能被下载,不能立竿见影。这在我们目前的速食文化里面是最惊人的品质。”站在聚光灯下的常程难以掩饰他的激动,哽咽地说出了这段话。这段话摘自美国知名科技媒体人凯文·凯利(Kevin Kelly,KK)的《新经济新规则》。“我第一次读这段话时是在ZUK位于上地的办公室。当时,我落泪了,并摘到我的笔记本中。”常程回忆。
Because there are associations in the back of capital injection, ZUK has not been born on the popular industry concern. But ZUK does not want to be rich second generation, but to be a really cool company armed with Internet thinking. “Trust is a special quality. It can not be purchased, can not be downloaded, and it can not be immediate, which is the most amazing quality in our current fast food culture.” Standing in the spotlight can hardly hide his Excited, choked out this passage. This passage is taken from the New Economic New Rule by Kevin Kelly, KK, a well-known technology media in the United States. “The first time I read this passage I was at ZUK’s office in Shangri-la when I was crying and plucked into my notebook.”